1. Does Bakmi Gang Kelinci have Delivery Order service?
Yes. Our services are completed with Delivery Orders *. For more information, please contact our nearest outlet or call (021) 352 2288 or (021) 619 2288 for assistance on the menu and advice on the minimum purchase order.
2. Does Bakmi Gang Kelinci have outlets outside Jakarta and Indonesia?
Currently, Bakmi Gang Kelinci does not have any outlets outside Jakarta or Indonesia. If you find any noodle restaurants using our brand (Bakmi Gang Kelinci) in other cities and countries, please note that Bakmi Gang Kelinci takes NO responsibility in the food and services provided. It is also important to note that Bakmi Gang Kelinci does NOT operate under any other names. Bakmi Gang Kelinci would appreciate if you could report any misuse of our logo and name to us by sending an email to akenn@bakmigangkelinci.com.
3. Does Bakmi Gang Kelinci duplicate any other noodle restaurants in Jakarta?
No. Bakmi Gang Kelinci has a distinctive-original recipe which has been used for decades by the founder to produce the great tasting trademark noodles. This has earned the reputation of Bakmi Gang Kelinci as the leading Indonesian noodle chain of restaurants.
4. Does Bakmi Gang Kelinci use lard (pork fat) in its cooking?
No. Bakmi Gang Kelinci does not use lard in the frying of all food served. Bakmi Gang Kelinci also does not serve pork. Our meat entrée fillings and other meats served to complement our dishes are free from pork. This is what distinguishes us from other noodle restaurants in Indonesia. This is also what make Bakmi Gang Kelinci become the number one choice for noodle lovers. Bakmi Gang Kelinci cultivates on the art of practicing healthy cooking to create our trademark noodles and all other dishes by using chicken stock and vegetable oil to fry all our food and achieve our best results. Our unique recipe combines carefully selected ingredients to bring out the best natural taste in our dishes.
5. Does Bakmi Gang Kelinci serve food containing preservatives, such as formalin?
Bakmi Gang Kelinci does not engage in unsafe food practices, such as adding formalin, borax or any other forms of added preservatives into the food. Bakmi Gang Kelinci only purchase ingredients from trusted and creditable suppliers with demonstrated proficiency in setting a high standard to food production. Bakmi Gang Kelinci reacts quickly to the outbreak of formalin and borax found in food served across Indonesia by undergoing rigorous checks on all our supplies. The Department of Health's (Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan -- BPOM) has declared all our food to be free from dangerous health-threatening preservatives.
Providing safe quality food to our customers has always been our highest priority. Our restaurants are run under the strictest hygiene and professional standards to deliver food in the finest and freshest condition. All our raw ingredients are subject to carefully controlled and safe storage methods.
We believe that our customers’ safety is of utmost importance. It is no wonder that this has always been the key driver to the success of our restaurants. Our morale is never to compromise on the quality and freshness of our food. Adhering to sound ethical principles is what sets us apart from our competitors. When it comes to quality control, just ask the string of loyal customers who understand very well why Bakmi Gang Kelinci reigns among the thousands of other noodle chains in Indonesia. They are sure to tell you of the integrity of our management and would want to share with you their rich dining experience at Bakmi Gang Kelinci.